Supporting you through challenges and transition towards healing and personal growth on a self-care path that’s good for the soul.

Lorna Cole-Partridge
You matter to me. It’s important to me that you feel seen and heard. I integrate therapeutic approaches to fit you as an individual with unique needs, in a way that’s flexible and relevant to the way we live today.
I aim to make exploring difficult feelings as easy on you as possible. We can make this your non-judgemental safe space, outside your friends and family network, to process your emotions and gain an understanding of your thoughts patterns and responses.
Combat over-thinking, worrying and help to stop replaying past events or thinking the worst will happen in the future
Working to fight loss of mojo, feeling depressed, lethargic, out of control and disconnected
Developing helpful techniques and healthy sustainable solutions to beat feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope at work, at home or with life in general
Trauma and Abuse
Reducing the impact of past traumatic events on your present day life, introducing practical coping mechanisms to tackle feelings of helplessness or shame
Low Self Esteem
Exploring the root of negative self-talk and unhelpful thoughts about yourself and knowing how to challenge them
Figuring out ways to feel more comfortable in your own skin and building your inner strength and resilience
Coming to terms with grief and loss
An understanding approach to changing addictive behaviour with food, alcohol, drugs and relationships
Dealing with being stuck in difficult relationships patterns with partners, family or friends as well as changing the types of attachments and connections you make
Helping you to feel less isolated, to find it easier to connect with others and at the same time feeling more comfortable in the relationship with yourself
Cultural, Sexual and Gender Identity
Providing a non-judgemental space to explore the real you
Navigating crossroads in life if you're wondering which way to turn next
Therapy Works
Having a place to be your authentic self, to unpack traumas and anxieties with someone you can relate to and trust can lead you to a place of self-awareness, helping you cultivate the life you want, so you feel good to the core of your soul.
Support Works
Whether you're looking for longer-term support, want to achieve short term goals or would like to try a single session, the flexibility to fit the therapy to your circumstances can ease your way to your emotional independence and inner peace.
Book 50 min individual therapy
video sessions (Zoom)
£60 per session
(as part of course of therapy)
Book 50 min individual therapy
phone sessions
£60 per session
(as part of course of therapy)
Single one-off drop-in
therapy session
(Video or phone call)
£65 per session

“Thank you for all the guidance and help last year that has helped me become stronger and opened my eyes to things.”

“It has honestly been the most life changing experience for me! I have taken and learned so much about myself. This experience Has honestly evaluated my perspective on myself and in life and I have found so much inner peace. Thank you!!!”

"Having Lorna as my therapist has been a life-changing experience for me, I have never felt more comfortable and safer speaking to someone about myself. It allowed us to build a space in which I felt heard, without judgment, and to be vulnerable enough to see myself as someone I could love. I am endlessly grateful for this experience, it has been so rewarding and a relief to have someone as caring and as attentive as Lorna there through it."

“While at uni, you helped me a lot with my studies and staying motivated, and I’m pleased to say that I officially graduated this month with a first-class degree in economics! And I wanted to thank you for all the support you gave me, it really made a huge difference.”
Experience with Mind mental health charity as a therapist for the NHS, working with survivors of the Grenfell fire for Hestia, a charity supporting people in crisis, and addiction counselling with Rapt, Rehabilitation of Addicted Prisoners Trust and the Tower Hamlets Community Alcohol Team.​
Member of
The Black African and Asian Therapy Network

Registered member of
The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

LGBTQI+ affirmative
Culturally informed approach
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Positive Psychology
Neuro-linguistic programming
Solution Focused Therapy
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
REWIND Trauma Therapy Technique
Insured and qualified counsellor and psychotherapist